Solutions to your musical needs
Keep it simple…and affordable. Something unique, with a variety that no other group of musicians can provide. Instead of a gaggle of musicians and acres of equipment, consider me: one musician, from one to five instruments, and a Bose sound system that I can carry in my own two hands. Playing multiple instruments gives you an exceptional variety of tonal colors, each paired with symbiotic songs.
Most of the time, clients want a variety of music that we have agreed upon in advance. Sometimes, however, especially when the audience will be listening and watching, not eating or dancing, a themed program, with a little commentary, is the desired option. To that end, I have created the following 45- 60 minute concerts. They make a nice series for senior independent and assisted living communities that I call “Afternoon Sax.”
For longer events, for which background music is needed, I draw from many of these genres as appropriate to the occasion and in response to the listeners’ reactions.
For many more music and entertainment solutions, provided by me and/or my musical partner and wife, Susan, see Susan Jones: Musician, Author, Entertainer and Your Music Solutions.
Program Options
Classy-cal Atmosphere – Flute and Piano. Don’t have a piano? No problem: Flute and backing tracks with accompaniment from prerecorded piano, chamber ensemble, and full orchestra.
The Great American Songbook – Loosely defined canon of significant early-20th-century American jazz standards, popular songs, and show tunes. Songs that seem to live forever by the composers you know (Gershwin, Porter, Rogers, Hart, Hammerstein, Mercer, Kern, Berlin, Arlen among others) and some that you don’t. Let’s play “Name That Tune”!
Make Believe Ballroom – The 1930’s, ‘40’s and even into the ‘50’s (until Rock and Roll knocked it off the turntables almost overnight) reflected the most unified American spirit in our history. People worked, sacrificed, hoped, loved, laughed, and sang and danced together around world wars as entertainment spread through the new rising media of radio and recordings. The Big Band Era and their popular crooners helped define the times. Let’s make music great again!
Pop! Go the Oldies – The 1950’s ‘60’s and ‘70’s produced so many nostalgic hits that we (well, some of us) associate with the advent of television, going to dances, and then concerts, while coming of age in the era of sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll.
A Night at the Movies – Unforgettable title songs and individual hits from those great Hollywood and foreign films. Timeless. Nostalgic. And perhaps some surprises.
Latin Dance Party – Whether you want to wear your Carmen Miranda hat, dance, or just relax in a “south of the border mood” you will be stirred by traditional and pop Latin classics and a few surprises from that colorful culture that is so full of fantasy and intrigue.
All That Jazz – Well, not all of it. Just the easy-listening, toe-tapping, and dreamy examples from ragtime to le jazz hot to swing to be-bop to fusion to smooth jazz. Wear your shades, smoke a cigarette, drink coffee or BYOB. Just remember to mumble, “…yeah…” when you get your groove on.
Bob’s Bag – A potpourri of tunes from all genres that I think “fit” your event. Stuff I like to play, old favorites that everybody likes, tunes that aren’t easily categorized. Trust me. It won’t be my first rodeo.