Susan Jones, writer, speaker, storyteller, musician, entertainer
Do you need program ideas for your gatherings – entertainer?…storyteller?…speaker?.…musician?
Are you looking for programs that are cultural? diverting? meaningful? stimulating? entertaining? whimsical? comforting? spiritual? educational?
As a pianist and clarinetist, I perform solo or with my husband, Bob (flute, saxophones, clarinet), in concert, or to enhance most any occasion. See Zéfiro, ClariNUTS and Special Occasions/Holidays
Why not consider:
- A Mini-Concert
- A poetry reading
- A WORDS’WORTH Book Talk (optional author-signing)
- Words on music; piano patter
- Special occasion background music
- Church service special music
Let Me Entertain You
Whether a simple book talk, a keyboard
conversation, or a themed presentation, it is the narrative itself that makes these programs unique. In them, I choose relevant, unique words related to the music or topic, and illustrate them with original light verse which I write and publish as WORDS’WORTH. There could be music, which I play on the piano, clarinet, or both (by prerecording my own accompaniment). Themed programs range from thirty to forty-five minutes in length, and allow for questions / answers at the conclusion.

Brahms (and “that Other B”)
You can “put your Brahms” around this dreamy program. I will chat about and perform three of his Intermezzi, plus a surprise contrast-piece by one of the “other B’s.” (Tuned piano in good condition required.)
Chopin Chitchat
I perform four contrasting pieces by Frederic Chopin, each placed in biographical and historical context, with highlighting verses. (Tuned piano in good condition needed.)
Words of Love and Music of Romance
I will give you an amusing look at interesting words of love as presented in verse and highlighted by my performance of some of Robert Schumann’s most beautiful romances. (And a bit of Mozart for good measure.) I play clarinet and “accompany” myself on the (pre-recorded) piano. No piano needed and I provide my own high quality sound system.
The Divas ‘n the Details
Seven “sing-sational,” scintillating, spicy, seductive heroines from opera, with their most famous arias ”sung” on the clarinet and with connecting narrative and verse. The audience is rewarded for correct answers to quiz questions. I accompany myself (pre-recorded, no piano required) and provide my high quality sound system.
People of the Word
Appropriate for church groups or even Bible study groups. Inspired by a Kerygma class, I start with Moses and go uphill from there. Many words and concepts touched upon, with humor and grace.
A Series for Learning Vocabulary via Verse
A series of regular sessions with your students, seniors, shut-ins, or any group that would enjoy learning unusual but highly usable vocabulary words through humorous verse that I write and will encourage them to write!

For more information about Susan’s books and how to obtain them, visit http://wordsworthverse.com/
Pianist For Special Occasions
Nothing says, “special” like classical music played unobtrusively, and well, as background for cocktails, dining, a gala opening, an open house or any gathering of people you care about. Start with a good piano, tuned and adjusted to radiate the unmistakable class of live music. Add me, a skilled pianist, able to bring the instrument to life and make your guests feel welcome and valued.
For such occasions, I play lighter classical music, mostly favorites that will be recognized, with an sprinkling of surprises from the likes of Scott Joplin. A “demo” available on the right-hand sidebar to this page, titled Piano Collage.” Prefer something a bit more concert-like? Let’s talk!
I am also experienced in helping to plan the music and perform it on piano for weddings, funerals/memorials, and church services. If you are looking for special music for your church service, your congregation might enjoy my solo clarinet with either your pianist or my own prerecorded accompaniment.
Book Talk
An amusing program interspersing original verse with insights (including quotations) into the words that the verses highlight.
It is like experiencing a mini version of my books,
- “Words’Worth’s Vocabulary Verse A to Z and Back Again: A rhyming romp through the alphabet.”
- “For Better and For Verse: An Omnium-Gatherum of Words at Play”
For reviews of my books, please go to my writer’s page on this site under my nom de plume, Words’Worth
You may pick the topic, if you wish. No piano? That’s OK.
These talks are perfect for your group.
Sing the Clarinet – Music and Words of Summer and Water
Reminiscences from a life surrounded by water (and words!) – relating
life experiences in both Oregon and the Eastern Shore – and tying
those memories to music that was inspired by and descriptive of
water. All with a certain British connection!